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moral pressure中文是什么意思

用"moral pressure"造句"moral pressure"怎么读"moral pressure" in a sentence


  • 道义压力


  • At the same time moral pressure is brought to bear
  • That mental and moral pressure surrounding the whole situation
  • . . . that mental and moral pressure surrounding the whole situation
    . .那种精神上和道德上的压力弥漫在整个家里。
  • But when one observes the progression from the call for moral pressure of the l970s , to economic sanctions in the l980s , to military intervention in the l990s , the time has come to call for a definition of purposes and a dialogue on the relationship between objectives and methods
    但当人们目睹了美国整个变本加厉的过程从20世纪70年代号召施加道德压力, 80年代实施经济制裁,至90年代进行军事干预时,我们早就应该对美国的宗旨进行重新定义,并围绕着目标与方法之间的关系展开对话。
用"moral pressure"造句  


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